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St Patrick's Episcopal Church


Letter from the Klines

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Letter from the Klines

Posted by: Admin on Mon, Oct 21, 2013

Hello to our St. Patrick's family! We hope this email finds everyone doing well. We miss you all very much and think of you often. Julia and Susan thank you so much for being a part of Kayla's wedding. We are so blessed to have you as a part of our family and we will be forever grateful! 


The newlyweds are doing well. Kayla is busy with school and loving her new degree program in the dental field. Shane is working and doing well also but he is also in the process of looking for a different job with more hours and hopefully benefits.


Kelsey is keeping busy up in Michigan but has made several trips to Indiana to spend the weekends with her sister. She is carrying a heavy load this semester but seems to be holding her own and keeping up. After talking with an advisor, she is adding a minor in History as well for the high school level. I look forward to her classroom in the future! She tells me that this next Tuesday it is only suppose to be 28 degrees....brrrr!


Ken and I are doing good. This move has been very different without the girls but we seem to be getting by. We have found peace in a historical church in Hampton, VA. It is St. John's Episcopal Church. It is the oldest English speaking church and is just full of history. Ken finds something new to read about every Sunday that we are there. However, we do miss our FL family very much. We love the small church and the closeness that comes with that. The church here is very big with a lot of members and so sometimes we get the feeling of being another number. 


Ok, now that I have went on and on, I should probably wrap it up. Please tell everyone hello for us and pass some hugs around from us. Remember....If you ever want a vacation to the East Coast, you are always welcome at our house.


God Bless,

Christine Kline
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