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Documents - State Madrid must be informed

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Documents - State Madrid must be informed

Posted by: fifalinda on Wed, Jan 27, 2016

"He has good technique, able to keep the ball, he is," Berg said. "For his age, he must have a highly fifa coins online developed capacity to make good decisions. Personality puts you in the field. Released documents showed that Tottenham is entitled to any offer for Gareth Bale due to a clause in the contract that brought him to Real Madrid games included.

Documents - State Madrid must be informed if another club Spurs Premier League deal for Bale hear - through leaks football recently with the transfer procedures Anthony Martial movement Eliakim Mangala Manchester United and move to Manchester City issued associated Agree published.

Tottenham would be allowed to be displayed on a 72-hour window of the offer, with its takes precedence over all other range, even if the original candidate with a higher bid back. The transfer agreement allegedly said: "If TOTTENHAM parties offer the third part, the Real Madrid is committed to providing Tottenham got to accept in preference to other offers (including higher bids received by the Real Madrid received the offer of thirds ) and the transfer of sell fifa coins the player as soon as possible in the first available time FA Tottenham. "  

   Discussion: Documents - State Madrid must be informed

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